Download the app and start calling

Desktop App


Desktop App


Desktop App


Your first steps

Simply download the App for your operating system, install it, log in and start making calls. With sipgate App CLINQ you don’t need any additional desk phones or softphones from external providers. You can make calls directly via the App on your laptop or computer.

Note: The app is part of the sipgate cloud telephony system and is not compatible with other VoIP providers. You can test sipgate for 30 days free of charge.

  1. Download the App

    Simply install the sipgate App CLINQ for Mac, Windows or Linux on your PC or laptop.

  2. Connect your CRM

    The app works perfectly with all your CRMs, tools, and workflows. This allows you to optimise your processes.

  3. Discover sipgate AI

    The App does your hard work. Automate your post-processing with summaries and topic analyses.

We're at your service

  • No-obligation initial consultation and ongoing customer support
  • Find the best tailored solution for your business
  • Identify costs and potential savings