Call Recorder

Automatically record all outgoing calls

The call recording feature automatically records all outgoing calls from your sipgate account. Define for yourself which web users and devices should record outgoing calls. Upload an individual greeting to inform your customers about the recording. Download recorded calls conveniently from the event list for archiving.

Automatic Recording

The call recording  feature automatically records all outgoing calls from your sipgate account. You can download recorded calls from your event list.

Works with all devices

No matter if VoiP-Phone, Smartphone – or both! Decide for yourself on which devices you want to record outgoing calls.

Individual announcement

Use our standard greeting or upload an individual announcement to inform your customers about the recording.

Personal Offer

Let us know a little bit about your desired setup, we're glad to advise the best plan for you and your business.

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Contact us

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions about sipgate. We're here to assist with all aspects of our service.

020 - 339 339 09