over 6 Mio.
phone numbers and number blocks with sipgate
phone numbers and number blocks with sipgate
area codes available in the UK
international area codes available
phone numbers ported to sipgate
Use phone numbers from any UK area code – also available in blocks of 3 and 10.
Easily port your UK landline phone number to sipgate.
Book local phone numbers from around the world.
Port your UK landline numbers to sipgate with no downtime – the actual switch just takes a few seconds.
Contact our porting team to start the number porting process.
We’ll send your porting request to your current service provider.
Your service provider lets us know the earliest porting date.
We’ll port your phone numbers over to your sipgate account.
Yes. The porting process can take at least 7 business days to complete during which you can still be reached on your porting numbers. Ports normally complete around midday during which there may some downtime, but this is generally only a few moments.
No. Any services attached to the number are generally terminated upon port completion, this includes any additional services such as broadband. We recommend contacting your current provider in this regard.
Yes, no problem. Please contact our support and send the telephone number or numbers you would like to move over. We will then send you the required forms to fill in, which must then be signed and returned to us. Generally, we’ll be able to port your geographic 01- or 02- UK numbers to sipgate team. To check the portability of your number, please contact our Port Desk at porting@sipgate.co.uk.
After upgrading to one of our full team packages, the first UK local or national phone number you book in your account will be free of charge. This number will be yours to keep as long as your account remains active. Additional phone numbers will then be charged for: e.g. one phone number will cost you just £1.95* per month, a block of 3 numbers is available at £4.95* per month while a block of 10 numbers is just £9.95* per month.
Let us know a little bit about your desired setup, we're glad to advise the best plan for you and your business.
E-Mail usFeel free to contact us if you have any questions about sipgate. We're here to assist with all aspects of our service.
020 - 339 339 09