Download sipgate's softphone
Download sipgate’s softphone for free on Windows, macOS, or Linux devices.
Note: the sipgate softphone is exclusively for sipgate. Use it with your existing account or sign up for a 30-day free trial now.
Download sipgate’s softphone for free on Windows, macOS, or Linux devices.
Note: the sipgate softphone is exclusively for sipgate. Use it with your existing account or sign up for a 30-day free trial now.
Install the sipgate softphone for Mac, Windows or Linux on your PC or laptop.
Log in to your sipgate account using the softphone. The configuration is done automatically.
You’re now ready to go: start making calls from your sipgate account right away. Just type in a telephone number and click dial. Standard call rates apply.
See our Help Center article about sipgate’s softphone for Windows. There you will find all the information you need to install and use the softphone.
See our Help Center article about sipgate’s softphone for macOs. There you will find all the information you need to install and use the softphone.
See our Help Center article about sipgate’s softphone for Linux. There you will find all the information you need to install and use the softphone.
A list of all recommended softphones including configuration instructions can be found in this Help Center article.